The Sportscience Website Team

In each issue of Sportscience News, we'll point out the new additions to the other pages. This time everything is new, so we'll just do the highlights.

We'll leave it to you to check out the individual items in Sportscience News. But take note that we will be featuring regular columns. We hope to have one or two more of these.

The Forum page is for those who would prefer to browse the Sportscience list messages periodically rather than get them by email. It's also the place to go when you want to unsubscribe or switch between digest and normal mode and you can't remember how to do it by email. The Forum page is a temporary interface with the mail list: we'll have something faster and friendlier in a week or two.

This time around, the Journal page is mainly for potential editors, reviewers, and contributors. But the guidelines on writing a review and the guidelines on style for this site will be useful to research students (and maybe some supervisors).

On the Research Resources page you'll find a downloadable set of lecture notes and slides on How to Give Talks, provided by Will Hopkins, plus an absurd little sketch on how NOT to give talks that appeared on a humor list recently. There's lots more to come on this page, but it takes an awful lot of time to make export-quality resources...

Our first effort at giving guidance on Training & Technology is a review of Strength Shoes, which are supposed to enhance training for sprinting and jumping.

The best link on our Net Links page would have to be the Gatorade Sports Science Institute web site. It provides information targeted toward athletic trainers, physicians, coaches, nutritionists and others interested in the fields of sports medicine, sports nutrition and exercise science. You can download lots of interesting sports science articles that have been published since 1993. A very good medical site for the endurance athlete is SportsMedWeb. Apart from some interesting race photos and maps, the site also includes the Medical Tent: a large pool of published medical literature and scientific research, Internet questions and answers, and years of patient experience. The information here doesn't cover everything, but it is slowly building. Another site that provides a lot of useful links, as well as some sportscience articles, is SportQuest. If you think that you have found better sites drop me (Alfred Zommers) a line via so I can include them in the Net Links page.

All the search engines on the Net Search page are good, or we wouldn't have included them. But if we had to choose one, it would be AltaVista. If you've never tried it, have a go now. Here's a tip if you want images for slides or Web pages. Suppose you want an image of a shotputter. For normal-sized photographs, try shotput.jgp; for small images and icons, try shotput.gif. Or try both at the same time. · · Homepage · Copyright ©1997